Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Welcome to my blog. This is about growing up with a double cleft palate and hair lip. I writing this as a way of helping me. I have lived with this for 57 years and for most of that time it has shaped my life and actions. I hope to understand why with this blog. I will be as honest as I can here. I will NOT be derogatory to people by name nor will I pull any punches. These are my true feelings about how my life has been, and how I feel its been affected by the way I was born. I will start with my earliest memories and work my way to adulthood and to the present. I welcome comments but if your just going to tease, harass, condemn or be hateful toward me, don't bother. Ive had that all my life and I don't need it here. I will try to post here once a week or more depending on my time and feelings. The pictures I will post are me. The childhood pictures I didn't know existed until I was 21 or so.
Thank You  

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